Sikh Sangat Newcastle

A Sikh Place Of Worship

Gurbani Recitation
Gurbani Singing
Food Serving
Religious Education

About Us

Sikhs from the Newcastle region have had to travel to Sydney for important religious events and births, deaths, and marriages. Sikh Sangat Charitable Association Newcastle was founded in November 2020 to address the many issues faced by the Sikh community in the Newcastle region. It was registered as a charitable organization in April 2021.
Initially, the association started by hosting weekly Sikh congregations (Sangat).

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Recent Involvements

In April this year, we coordinated with Sikh Volunteers Australia (a Victoria-based organization that provides free food for the homeless and during times of emergency). As part of the collaboration, our organization provided facilities and coordinated to distribute free meals twice a day and other essential items to the flood-affected region in Taree. The organization will seek to continue working on projects like these especially in the local community and when and/or where there is a greater need.

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Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that originated in the late 15th century in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent. Guru Nanak Dev Ji (20 October 1469 - 7 May 1539) is the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus. He was born in the village of Talwandi, now called Nankana Sahib, near Lahore in present-day Pakistan. It was established and developed by ten Gurus during the period 1469 to 1708. Sikhs regard the ten Gurus not as divine, but as enlightened teachers through whom God revealed his will.

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Sikh History

Sikhism, religion and philosophy was founded in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent in the late 15th century. Its members are known as Sikhs. The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat (Punjabi: ‘the Way of the Guru’). Sikhism was established by Guru Nanak (1469–1539) and the guruship was passed through to subsequent nine Gurus. All 10 human Gurus were inhabited by a single divine spirit (‘Jot’).

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Upcoming Events

Weekly Sangat (congregation) is held at 1 Pumphouse Crescent Rutherford on Sundays.
Please note due to Covid restrictions we are not able to hold any events at the moment.

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What We Do

Gurbani Path
Gurbani Gaayan
Langar Sewa
Gurmat Classes

Sikhi Mool Mantra (Root Mantra)

Ik Onkar : There Is One Creator oF This Universe
Satnaam: Whose Name (Existence) Is Truth
Karta Purakh: Is Flawless Creator
Nir Bhau: Not Afraid Of Anything
Nir Vair: Doesn't Hate Anyone
Akaal Murat: Shapeless, Formless, Boundary-less
Ajooni: Away From Birth-Death Cycle
Saibhang: Self-Creating, Self-Destroying
Gur Prasaad: (Above are) Virtues of attaining Wisdom
Japp: Meditate On His Name
Aadh Sach: True At The Beginning
Jugaad Sach: True Throughout The Ages
Hai Bhee Sach: True Here And Now
Nanak: Nanak Says
Hosee Bhi Sach: He Will Forever Be Ture